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Hello Everyone!

How wonderful to be able to celebrate together the start of the first ever ASM Student Blog. We are so excited to be presenting to you this new initiative that we hope students will love to both read and contribute to. The Student Blog’s purpose is to bond together our lovely ASM Community by sharing all of the work that students have done, such as opinion pieces, artwork, poems, and much more. The Student Blog is open to any student who would like to participate and students can write about whatever they like, which we think is so important as this blog can be a way to have fun and grow as writers. Our Blog’s members range from 6th grade to 12th grade, this diversity helps us learn from one another and helps us see the world from a different perspective. In a time of pandemics and online school, it's good for us students to be able to use our time in a fun, effective, and productive way, as that is exactly what we hope to do. The Student Blog hopes to achieve many milestones as a club but also be able to provide to our peers with entertainment and joy. Thank you for your support, the Student Blog highly appreciates it!



The Student Blog

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