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How to Study for Midterms and Finals

Due to covid19 midterms this year have been cancelled, but this is not a reason to loosen up your focus for school because finals will most likely still happen. If you ever feel stressed out and wondering how you will be able to pass your midterms, finals, or any exam really this is the blog for you!

Oxford University has released studies that prove that 70% of a unit’s content is learned and memorised in class and by doing homework. Only 30% of it is actually memorised when reviewing notes. This suggests that a very easy yet important way to ace your exams is to PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS. If you are someone who gets easily distracted, you can help your focus by jotting down the main parts of the lecture. This way when you get home you have something to base yourself off that is not only a book or your memory. But be careful when studying ONLY from notes because it is very likely that you missed or misinterpreted something while writing them, so it is important that you check your knowledge from another source too.

A second extremely necessary thing one has to do to ace an exam is HOMEWORK. I can’t stress this enough, homework is where you check your knowledge without getting a grade on it. Homework is the best place to make mistakes. Homework not only gives you a good overview of what the unit is about but it also lets you know (if done sincerely) in what areas you are not prepared.

The third thing that really helps when preparing for an exam, and this is more specifically for midterms or finals, is collecting all notes, homework, formations and documents in a safe and organised binder. I myself struggle with this one a lot because after a while the material is too much and you just want to throw it out. When I am about to do this I repeat to myself, what will I study for my midterms/finals if I throw this away? Obviously you can make a selection of what to keep and what to throw away, or else it would be really too much.

Lastly, the ultimate thing to do when preparing for an exam is studying. There are MILLIONS of different ways to study and each one works for a different person, find what works best for you and apply it. Remember, you can use multiple studying methods and you can even change them between classes. No matter in what way you study, remember to start studying a good amount of time before the test. Not only will you be able to take it slower but your stress levels will also be importantly lower! A good way to do so is by setting a day, at the end of the week where you review everything you've done so far this week, or even better each few days.

Hope this helps!

- Sofia Roda

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