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Is the Covid Vaccine Safe?

Finally, after several months of Covid-19 we were finally able to create the vaccine to stop this fierce virus that has completely changed the world. But… should we trust this vaccine? There are thousands of opinions about the vaccine and these can be shrunk down to two main arguments. Trusting or not trusting the vaccine.

BBC news states, “The coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford is highly effective at stopping people developing Covid-19 symptoms”. Here is why:

  • Overall, there were 30 cases of Covid in people who had two doses of the vaccine and 101 cases in people who received a dummy injection. The researchers said it worked out at 70% protection, which is better than the seasonal flu jab.

  • The Oxford vaccine is a genetically modified common cold virus that used to infect chimpanzees.

  • It has been altered to stop it causing an infection in people and to carry the blueprints for part of the coronavirus, known as the spike protein.

Now these are all reasons why the Oxford University vaccine is trustworthy but in case you are still not feeling confident they entirely exposed how it works: The viruses blueprints are inserted in your blood through the needle’. Once these blueprints are inside the body they start producing the coronavirus' spike protein, which the immune system recognises as a threat and tries to squash it. Like this the immune system creates the antibody to kill the proteins of coronavirus and if you are ever going to catch it your immune system will react immediately and kill it.

Stay Safe!

- Sofia Roda


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