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How Do I Have Success in School?

How can I have success in school? Is studying not enough to get good grades? Throughout all of my middle school and brief high school experience, I have heard these questions frequently. Today, I’m telling you that simple studying is not enough to have good grades. School is highly important and crucial to having an education. I know, I sound like a frustrated parent, but don’t stop reading this article yet. Education affects your future, which depends on your studying and your ability to improve. In this article I will be providing you with five study habits that could really make a difference when studying.

1. Rewrite Notes

The first Study Habit that I strongly recommend is rewriting your notes. If you have a teacher that likes to talk throughout the whole class, write brief annotations while she/he is speaking. Then, at home, organise the annotations in bullet points. This is extremely beneficial for the fact that it will help organise the material. By rewriting my notes, I organise that information orderly, so that I can remember and understand it better.

2. Do The Assignments The Day It Is Assigned

The second Study Habit that really helps me stay on track is to do my assignments the day they are assigned. Juggling a social life and school can be hard, but it is important to start organising if you want to have success in school. Something you want to avoid is procrastinating, even if we are all guilty of) by doing the assignments the day they were assigned it would assure you of not falling behind and turning in your assignments late. Not to mention, the sooner you turn in assignments, the more responsible you will look to your teacher (*Wink Wink* SSIs!!).

3. Study Your Notes The Day You Take Them

Another Study Habit I recommend is to Study the Notes the day you take them. Yes, it does add to your workload, but hear me out: when you’ll arrive the weekend before the summative, you’ll already have studied everything. Studying every little part, day by day, is much easier than memorising all the information in one night, right? Also, the more you repeat the information, the more it will stick into your head. Remember, if you are in High School, about Midterms and Finals, and so wouldn’t it be easier to review material if you already have it in your head?

4. Ask Your teacher For Help

The fourth Study Habit I want to share with you may sound cliché, but I promise it works: ask your teacher for help. Especially online, we have more free time to ask for clarifications. Schedule a meeting with your teacher, and watch how your B+ becomes an A, by clarification of the material.

5. Have A Planner

The last Study Habit I want to propose is to have a Planner. This can be either digital or on paper, and helps you stay organised and keep track of assignments you have to do. I, personally, if I don’t write my assignments down, I can’t remember them (yes, I am a bit forgetful and absent-minded. Actually, a lot). This is why I use a planner that helps me organise my assignments better. For a digital planner, I recommend using the site Slides Mania.

Good luck!

- Maria Stella Chiappetta

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